
ACQUAFREDDA (BRESCIA) – After activating a widespread mixed copper fiber connection (FTTC Fiber To The Cabinet - fiber optic up to the street cabinet) to allow citizens to surf the Internet at up to 100Mbit/s in download and 20Mbit/s in upload, the Municipality of Acquafredda takes another decisive step forward towards digitalization: in fact, the installation of the new free wi-fi system active in the area dates back to a few days ago, the result of a complex project created by Mynet, a leading telecommunications operator in all of northern Italy.

Funded under the WiFi4EU community call with the aim of increasing connection opportunities for the community, Mynet's intervention has led to the activation of 12 new free wi-fi points, internal and external, with 1 Gigabit/s of total bandwidth available in five vital locations for Acquafredda, starting from the municipal headquarters in Piazza della Repubblica, entirely served by two high-performance external access points; The Town Hall, together with the clinic, patronages and library, the town park (with an access point serving the colonnade and the area adjacent to the town hall) and the civic hall, home to important administrative sessions and ceremonies, equipped with an internal access point serving associations and events and an external one for the park, are also served by the power of optical fiber.

An important technological leap, moreover, for the elementary schools, where the teachers' room and computer room are now connected to wi-fi; the playground in Via Partesane and the Margherita Marchi park complete the project.

The arrival of free wi-fi was welcomed with enthusiasm by the citizens, who began to use the access points right from the early stages of the installation intervention. All the wireless points are now fully operational and connected to the Mynet pure fiber optic network to provide the best possible performance. The registration procedure is very quick, which citizens can complete independently in less than twenty seconds. To use the connection, users simply have to connect to the WiFi4EU network and register by entering their telephone number; the registration remains active for 24 hours and can be renewed every day.

The Mayor of Acquafredda, Maurizio Donini, said: «With the installation of the widespread wi-fi system, that long journey, financed by the European Community and the AttrACT plan of the Lombardy Region, which began in the first years of our mandate and which has allowed us to finally give citizens and businesses the possibility of accessing broadband, is concluded. We are truly very satisfied with the result and we thank Mynet for its support and collaboration».

To make an appointment with the staff of Mynet, the only operator that currently has the service active in Acquafredda as owner of the infrastructure, and to find out about the exclusive offer reserved for residents, you can contact the direct number 0376 22 22 00 or send an email to