Fibre optics: Industrial area cabling

date: 23 March 2018
location: Settimo di Pescantina
address: via Antonio Bertoldi, 13



Giovanni Zorzoni - General Manager MyNet
After a year of investment and laying fibre optics and 16 km of cable, the first 40 companies in Settimo di Pescantina have finally been connected. Great satisfaction on the part of the administration, but also on the part of MyNet, for yet another industrial zone out of the 40 that we tend to be able to realise in a year. [We have recorded] A great response also from the local business community, so that not only the companies that have been set up are satisfied, but also ours.

Giorgio Intonti - Sales Director MyNet
We began the development of the expansion of our fibre-optic access network in the Verona area back in the 2000s, starting with the quadrant, then developing the network in the industrial zones of Bussolengo, Bassona, and Sona, and extending it to the east of Verona. As part of the development of our fibre access network, we were told that industrialists also needed the industrial zone of Pescantina, of Settimo di Pescantina. We then had a preparatory meeting with the administration, which absolutely supported this action of ours, and in the end it all took the form of a major investment by the company MyNet in developing this fibre-optic access network, for all those in the industrial zone. What is the development we are aiming for? Certainly that of consolidating the investment made in the industrial zone, bringing broadband, i.e. real fibre optics, to the company's premises, and to all the other residents.

Paola Zanolli - Deputy Mayor Municipality of Pescantina
Working with a private party that succeeds in infrastructuring an area that is impossible for the public is a relevant and important thing, because it is only from synergies between public and private that development can be born, that innovation can be born. The public alone cannot do it, and the private sector needs the public to get the appropriate authorisations. So it was a really important synergy.

Serpelloni Marianna Councillor, Municipality of Pescantina
Our commitment was, together with that of some citizens, to look for a company willing to invest in our area precisely to achieve this important goal.

Arlone Emanuele - IT Manager Mago Merlini Srl
The choice of MyNet was dictated by specific requirements, namely the fact that there was no optical fibre in the area until now. Given that the need for Internet connections, e-mail, and web-side services is now vital for any type of company, we relied on a partner who could meet these requirements in a relatively short time.

Giovanni Barichello - Owner Scatolificio Ceriana
We came across MyNet at a time when we were looking for private connectivity. I was fed up with the big providers and inquired about MyNet through other companies in the area near us who were already connected to them, they spoke very highly of them, so I trusted them and took the leap. Finally we too now have fibre!

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