
The last two years have seen the turnover of the companies united in the Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano grow, especially abroad, adding in 2023 to Grana Padano's now historical primacy as the most consumed PDO cheese in the world also the leadership in value estimated by the ISMEA - Qualivita Report at 1,885 million euro.

This growth must be fostered through innovation by companies throughout the supply chain, to which the Consortium aims to offer the opportunity to support it at increasingly favourable financial and technical conditions.

Important are the services in the tlc sector, for reliability and constant updating, to be grown also through targeted offers to Grana Padano companies, such as those defined in the agreement between the Protection Consortium and Mynet, a telecommunications operator that owns a fibre optic infrastructure network that extends throughout Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and Emilia Romagna and is a leader in offering ultra-fast connectivity services to companies, public administrations and private individuals.

The Consorzio di Tutela will point out to companies products and services specifically designed by Mynet to meet the specific needs of agricultural businesses in the sector, activating the shared web kit, communications in various media and promotional information spaces. In particular, favourable rates on new service activations are foreseen.

Innovation is essential to compete on the markets, and technological innovation is fundamental for those who produce Grana Padano, a cheese that has been the same for a thousand years and is therefore protected, guaranteed, valorised and unchangeable,’ explains Renato Zaghini, president of the Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano. ’One of the tasks of the organisation that brings together the entire production chain is therefore to identify and evaluate the most valid opportunities, such as those that Mynet is able to offer, and to find ways to make them particularly advantageous.

The need for quality connections in order to innovate and remain competitive on the market is constantly being expressed to us by agricultural entrepreneurs, also in the light of the ongoing process of digitalisation of the primary sector, also favoured by public financing measures,’ comments Giovanni Zorzoni, Mynet's general manager. ’The partnership with the Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano, a reality of excellence at world level, represents a significant result. I thank President Zaghini and Director Berni for this important synergy’.