
A project that came to life thanks to a public-private pact. If the industrial area of Rezzato will soon be served by real fibre optics, which guarantees a remarkable connection speed - up to 1 Gbps -, it is only thanks to the synergy created between the municipal administration, the Asimpre association, which brings together numerous local businesses, and Mynet, the leading telecommunications operator in ultra-fast connectivity.
‘We are convinced that a company's competitiveness is played to a large extent on the possibility of being able to compare itself with its competitors by having the same opportunities and tools at its disposal,’ says Rezzato's Councillor for Productive Activities Angelo Laffranchi. ’This Administration is convinced that one of the most important of these is the possibility of communicating effectively and quickly with the outside world, increasing the competitive capacity of each company. As a result of this, and in collaboration with Asimpre (Associazione Imprese Rezzatesi), we have analysed the possibility of also equipping the Curvione industrial zone with the necessary infrastructure to allow the companies that operate here to have the necessary connectivity to be able to work without the problems of slow navigation, poor connection and unreliability that are currently being experienced. Therefore, having already planned to equip this area with video surveillance control managed by our Local Police, we met with Mynet, the company that is laying fibre optics in a large part of our municipality, and together, with good synergetic work, we determined the conditions to allow all the companies present in the Curvione industrial area to be able to connect to this network with considerable advantages in terms of both service and efficiency. This way of doing things confirms the attention that this Administration wants to give to the productive and commercial fabric that operates in our city, seeking and favouring actions of comparison and collaboration with different realities with the sole purpose of favouring the solution of problems and the determination of opportunities that otherwise would not be possible. It is clear that all this, in addition to creating the right conditions to allow economic activities in our area to work properly, can represent an incentive for other companies to consider the opportunity to locate in Rezzato with consequent benefits for the entire community including the possibility of increased demand for new employment’.
‘The competitiveness of a company is fundamental to establish itself in its market,’ adds ASIMPRE President Matteo Boniotti, ’Competitiveness is determined by the ability of the entrepreneur and corporate governance to organise and streamline production processes that are increasingly interactive and digitally connected. It would be unthinkable to make a vehicle from last season compete in the same Formula One race with an Alfa used by Nuvolari, which is now old and antiquated. It is therefore essential that our companies have the infrastructure to compete at high levels. Entrepreneurs must be able to focus on digitalisation and adequate infrastructure to remain competitive and create production processes in line with the times. For their part, local administrations support entrepreneurs by providing them with clear regulations and adequate infrastructure.  The coverage of the Curvione production area is the result of teamwork, in perfect harmony with the public-private partnership.  I would therefore like to thank both the Mynet company and the Rezzato municipal administration for their fruitful cooperation and the result achieved.

‘With the enhancement of the video surveillance system that was also extended to the Curvione industrial area, decided by the municipality,’ explains Alberto Belpietro, who monitored the initiative for Mynet, ’it was possible to provide fibre optic infrastructure also for the artisan district, which is home to some fifteen companies. The area had a very poor and unreliable connectivity, which in no way met the needs of a productive activity: slow navigation, impossible downloads, hiccuping operations. In a week's time, work will begin on laying the cables, which will take about ten days, followed by the first line activations. From February, the companies that have requested it will have a very fast connection that will bring numerous benefits to their internal processes. We would like to thank the councillor of the municipality of Rezzato, Angelo Laffranchi, and Asimpre in the person of its president Matteo Boniotti, for this splendid teamwork, which made it possible to cross the finishing line. Businesses in the Curvione industrial zone will have ultra-fast connectivity, which will bring numerous benefits to industrial processes. Once again, we are partners in territorial projects such as this one. Mynet is an operator active throughout northern Italy, but one that maintains strong roots in the territory in which it operates, attentive and sensitive to the needs that this expresses’.