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Villaggio Eremo, ultra-fast internet arrives with Mynet
Villaggio Eremo, ultra-fast internet arrives with Mynet
From a co-investment by the companies Tnet Servizi and Mynet, fibre optics will finally be installed in all streets in the district with speeds of up to 1000M/s
VILLAGGIO EREMO (CURTATONE) - Work continues unabated in the Villaggio Eremo district for the laying of ultra-fast lines: After having made the FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) service available to businesses and private individuals as far back as 2011, MyNet in co-investment with TNET Servizi is working - urged on by its numerous customers during the lockdown period - to also offer the FTTH (Fibre To The Home) connection, the only one that allows customers to definitively free themselves from the old-fashioned telephone cable, obtaining Internet speeds of up to 1000M/s. The investment makes it possible to wire the entire hamlet, starting from the Caem headquarters and arriving at the brand new homes in the Mirabello district (but other districts of San Silvestro and Levata are being developed).
The work is proceeding at the speed of light, ‘just like our fibre optics,’ jokes MyNet General Manager Giovanni Zorzoni. - We took advantage of the road resurfacing work, as well as the municipality's request to connect some critical points with cameras, to wire almost all the streets in the district with fibre optics and offer residents a ‘democratic’ service.
Democratic in that all subscribers will benefit from the same speed actually contracted: ‘Thanks to the all-fibre connection,’ continues Zorzoni, ‘there are no more “up to” connections, with promises of high speeds and lines that practically go half as fast as promised because of the distance and also subject to future degradation due to the presence of copper; 200 Mega is 200 Mega. For everyone'.
Many users, old and new, have already had fibre optics brought into their homes, and by the end of October connections will be activated at 200Mbit actual speed (which in 2021 will become 1000Mbit at the same price): even the largest families will therefore be able to enjoy advanced services such as watching high-definition television and online gaming at the same time, without slowdowns or annoying blockages.
At the moment TNET Servizi, which sells the service provided by MyNet's optical fibre to private individuals, has already contracted more than a hundred customers at costs comparable to those of Adsl.
For further information: T. 0376.222200 - info@mynet.it
La fibra ultraveloce connette anche la statale goitese: su tutta l'arteria internet a 1000 Mbit/s in FTTH
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