Once again Mynet delivers on its promises in the Brescia area

Mezzane (Calvisano), 4 September 2024. Once again Mynet, the telecommunications company specialising in fibre optic connectivity, is keeping its promises in the Brescia area. Having already connected businesses and citizens, the installation of routers on Mynet's fibre optic network is proceeding apace.

To celebrate the milestone, a symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today in front of the POP - the public network's fibre-optic feeder point, active only thanks to the company's investment - in the presence of Calvisano's Councillor for Productive Activities Michel Lesioli, and Mynet's general manager and sales manager Giovanni Zorzoni and Giorgio Intonti respectively.

Last year, Mynet had responded to the appeal of the then Town Councillor Lesioli and the Mezzane Participation Committee chaired by Luciano Zeni, who were asking for stable, reliable and fast connectivity for the hamlet as well, with the aim of guaranteeing businesses and private individuals in the town a service that today represents an indispensable need.

After a meeting last October between the company's top management, the municipal administration, the committee and the townspeople, where the ‘Mezzane Digitale’ project was presented and the first requests were collected, the company carried out the excavation work (over 2 km in total) and the laying of over 4 kilometres of proprietary fibre optic cable, connecting the hamlet of Mezzane to the neighbouring town of Carpenedolo, where Mynet has been present with its own network for years.

But it doesn't end here because in the coming months the company will also connect Mezzane to Calvisano, thus creating a ring infrastructure with very high redundancy, thus doubling the investment already sustained.

‘It is with great satisfaction that less than a year has passed since the public meeting in Mezzane’ - declares Lesioli - more precisely since that 18 October when the undersigned, representing the municipal administration, together with the company Mynet and the support of the Comitato di Partecipazione and the Associazione Insieme per Mezzane, made public the intention to bring fibre to Mezzane. It was a request that emerged strongly during the Covid period, when many residents were forced to try their hand at smartworking and distance learning, having to reckon with very poor connectivity: from that request we immediately set out to find a company that could listen to our needs.'

Covering a peripheral area such as Mezzane was certainly not easy at first,’ the councillor continues, ’but the fact that we had already set up a large part of the underground structure during the execution of the Santa Barbara pavement and the resurfacing of the pedestrian and bicycle path inside the town, and the commitment to reach a minimum number of contracts to partially cover the costs incurred by the company, convinced Mynet to believe in our project.

And so today, 4 September 2024, we celebrate a great milestone: having equipped Mezzane with such an important and advanced service as fibre optics, which will allow our fellow citizens and our children to connect without any more problems’.

‘Once again Mynet has kept its promises on the Brescia territory,’ declares Zorzoni, ’for our company, the given word is sacred. With great satisfaction and collaboration with the administration, we have succeeded in this challenge to the benefit of businesses and citizens in the Mezzane area’.

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