, Basic price list, Fibra ottica, ADSL request, it is possible to integrate connectivity services with VOIP telephony (Note: VOIP can only and exclusively be activated on Mynet lines). ... My FTTH 25&25G service on Mynet network for Micro-enterprises and Non-profit organizations (prices excluding VAT) My FTTH MICRO at 25 Gbps for € 450.00 per month Go to the product sheet OPTIONAL [...], Voip, Fibra ottica, ADSL Services > Voip Voip The world that surrounds VoIP is full of unfulfilled promises , primarily those concerning telephone system reliability and certified voice quality. The reason for these failures is that providing a first-rate IP telephone service requires a technological skill that is extremely superior to that required to provide a [...], Tariff transparency, Fibra ottica, ADSL Tariff transparency Tariff transparency Below, we publish the economic conditions applied by Mynet to Internet connectivity services and VoIP telephony services, the service charter, and the general conditions. Connection Service Internet ADSL2+ Mynet ADSL2+ Family Scarica il file Mynet ADSL2+ Office Scarica il file Connection Service Internet FTTCAB Mynet FTTCab 100 Family [...], Mynet Services, Fibra ottica, ADSL Services > Mynet Services Mynet Services Mynet, thanks to the internalization of all processes related to the creation of knowledge and the generation of value, has specific and distinctive skills in intranetworking and in closely related issues, in particular: Italian telecommunications operator , equipped with a very large fiber optic network: Mynet offers quality IP access and transit, [...], LA VALLE SABBIA SI AFFIDA A MYNET: PER 5 ANNI L'AZIENDA EROGHERA' SERVIZI IN FIBRA OTTICA A TUTTI I COMUNI DELLA VALLE, Fibra ottica, ADSL Media release > LA VALLE SABBIA SI AFFIDA A MYNET: PER 5 ANNI L'AZIENDA EROGHERA' SERVIZI IN FIBRA OTTICA A TUTTI I COMUNI DELLA VALLE LA VALLE SABBIA SI AFFIDA A MYNET: PER 5 ANNI L'AZIENDA EROGHERA' SERVIZI IN FIBRA OTTICA A TUTTI I COMUNI DELLA VALLE 03/02/2023 VALLE SABBIA (BRESCIA) – Mynet , dopo aver conquistato il primato europeo della velocità sulla fibra ottica di 50 Gbit/s sulla [...]