, IN CURTATONE MYNET IS WORKING TO CONNECT THE INDUSTRIAL AREA AND SCHOOLS IN THE TERRITORY TO OPTIC FIBER, Fibra ottica, ADSL Media release > IN CURTATONE MYNET IS WORKING TO CONNECT THE INDUSTRIAL AREA AND SCHOOLS IN THE TERRITORY TO OPTIC FIBER IN CURTATONE MYNET IS WORKING TO CONNECT THE INDUSTRIAL AREA AND SCHOOLS IN THE TERRITORY TO OPTIC FIBER 09/19/2022 CURTATONE (MANTUA) – After activating the new wi-fi network of the Municipality last spring, Mynet is continuing its work in the territory of [...], IN CURTATONE MYNET ACTIVATES THIRTEEN POINTS FOR FREE WI-FI, Fibra ottica, ADSL connected antennas, five outdoors and eight indoors, for a total of ten areas of interest served by free wi-fi with 1 Gigabit/s of total available bandwidth: these are the main numbers of the intervention, carried out by Mynet and financed under the WiFi4EU community call with the aim of increasing connection opportunities for the inhabitants of the town., FREE WI-FI ARRIVES IN ACQUAFREDDA WITH MYNET, Fibra ottica, ADSL under the WiFi4EU community call with the aim of increasing connection opportunities for the community, Mynet's intervention has led to the activation of 12 new free wi-fi points, internal and external, with 1 Gigabit/s of total bandwidth available in five vital locations for Acquafredda, starting from the municipal headquarters in Piazza della Repubblica, [...], MYNET BRINGS MILLENARY FIBER OPTICS AND TECHNOLOGY TO THE FAIR, Fibra ottica, ADSL example: just one hour of videoconferencing can emit up to 1 kg of CO2 and require up to 12 liters of water, but turning off the camera saves over 98% of these emissions., IN BELFIORE MYNET AT WORK ON UPGRADING THE MUNICIPAL VIDEO SURVEILLANCE NETWORK, Fibra ottica, ADSL’intervento nel suo complesso ha aggiunto un totale di 27 telecamere ad alta risoluzione nella zona di Belfiore: Il primo lotto “Belfiore 1” di 10 telecamere è situatuato nella zona del cavalcavia che sorvegliano sia la zona ciclopedonale sia via Cremona con l’area residenziale compresa tra via Luigi Martini e la passeggiata degli adiacenti giardini; Il secondo lotto [...], TOURISM IS 4.0 IN CANAZEI AND CAMPITELLO, Fibra ottica, ADSL same companies, whether they are hotels, ski lifts or personal services, thanks to the laying of over 15 kilometers of fiber cables, can now count on connectivity of up to 1 Gigabit per second, with a significant technological leap" said Luca Legittimo, CEO of Mynet., MYNET JOINS MIX BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Fibra ottica, ADSL is a leader in compliance and security, being the first Italian IXP to achieve ISO27001:2013 certification and OIX-1 certification from OIX, a feature shared with only 35 other IXPs in the world., TOURISM IS 4.0 IN CANAZEI AND CAMPITELLO, Fibra ottica, ADSL same companies, whether they are hotels, ski lifts or personal services, thanks to the laying of over 15 kilometers of fiber cables, can now count on connectivity of up to 1 Gigabit per second, with a significant technological leap" said Luca Legittimo, CEO of Mynet., INCREASINGLY DIGITISED AND EFFICIENT RESCUE AND ASSISTANCE, Fibra ottica, ADSL will provide free connectivity to the headquarters in Via Enrico Fermi in Salò for the next two years, with a significant increase in speed to 1 Gbit per second (the previous speed was 100 Mbit per second)., MYNET TRENTINO COLLEGA ALLA BANDA ULTRA LARGA L'UNIVERSITA' POPOLARE TRENTINA, Fibra ottica, ADSL’intervento, partito nelle scorse settimane, ha previsto la posa di 7 km di microtubi con la relativa predisposizione dell'intera infrastruttura di rete in fibra ottica (tra cui circa 20 pozzetti rompitratta e una dozzina di muffole di giunzione), con terminazione del cavo presso il PoP della Provincia; un balzo in avanti importante per l’istituto professionale trentino, che in questo modo [...]