, IN ASOLA MYNET HAS STARTED THE WORK OF BINDING THE MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS IN REAL OPTIC FIBER, Fibra ottica, ADSL innovative infrastructure installed by the telecommunications operator will reduce the digital divide throughout the municipal area, with countless advantages also for private users, who will be able to count on extremely high-performance connectivity with web browsing speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s, making smart working, distance learning, very low latency gaming and [...], WITH MYNET THE DIGITAL CONVERSION OF BRENZONE STARTS WITH THE COMPANIES, Fibra ottica, ADSL launched on March 1, 2022, the Plan is accessible until December 15 and in any case until the funds run out. ... The Municipality has also recently activated its own 1 Gbit/s speed circuit, as confirmed by Mayor Davide Benedetti: «The capillary infrastructure created by Mynet in recent months crosses the entire town, including the lakeside [...], IN MOGLIA THE MUNICIPALITY AND MYNET PRESENT THE NEW FIBER OPTIC NETWORK TO THE CITIZENS, Fibra ottica, ADSL intervention of the telecommunications company's teams specifically included the FTTH fiber optic connection of all school buildings, which will be able to surf the web at up to a speed of 1 Gigabit/s; the municipal buildings will instead reach up to 200 Mbit/s symmetrical speed., VILLIMPENTA, PUBLIC MEETING MYNET-MUNICIPALITY ON MAY 4TH TO PRESENT THE NEW FIBER OPTIC NETWORK, Fibra ottica, ADSL entire industrial area can already surf the web at a speed of up to 1 Gigabit/s while, for private individuals, the mixed copper fiber connection is available as a basic service., IN BRENZONE MYNET OPTIC FIBER IS ALSO ACTIVE FOR PRIVATE USERS, Fibra ottica, ADSL innovative infrastructure installed by the telecommunications operator will reduce the digital divide throughout the municipal area, with countless advantages also for private users, who will be able to count on extremely high-performance connectivity with web browsing speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s, making smart working, distance learning, very low latency gaming and [...], WORK IN PROGRESS IN MOZZECANE TO CONNECT INSTITUTIONAL OFFICES AND COMPANIES TO MYNET'S OPTIC FIBER, Fibra ottica, ADSL launched on March 1, 2022, the Plan is accessible until December 15 and in any case until the funds run out., MYNET'S OPTICAL FIBRE RETURNS TO LIGHT UP THE VERONA CHRISTMAS MARKETS, Fibra ottica, ADSL organisers of the event have therefore once again chosen Mynet, one of the few physical network operators at national level, with over 30,000 km of proprietary fibre optics, to make the much-awaited Christmas festivities smarter: the entire area between Piazza dei Signori, Cortile Mercato Vecchio, Cortile del Tribunale, Loggia del Cortile del Tribunale, Via della Costa, Loggia Vecchia [...], SORGA' AND BONFERRARO CONQUER THE ULTRA-BROADBAND: CAPITAL, DISTRICTS AND INDUSTRIAL AREA CONNECTED, Fibra ottica, ADSL date, the connection, with related activations, of the municipal offices of the capital (including the Town Hall, library and schools) has been completed; FTTC cabinets (Fiber To The Cabinet - fiber optics up to the street cabinet) are also already operational, which will provide access, as a basic service available to all, to the mixed copper fiber connection with speeds of up to 200 [...], FREE WI-FI ARRIVES IN POZZOLENGO WITH MYNET, Fibra ottica, ADSL under the WiFi4EU community call for proposals with the aim of increasing connection opportunities for the community, Mynet's intervention in just one day of work led to the activation of 13 new free wi-fi points with 1 Gigabit/s of total bandwidth available in five vital locations for the country, starting from the perimeter of the municipal headquarters in [...], NOGARA BECOMES SMART: WITH MYNET, FREE WI-FI ARRIVES, Fibra ottica, ADSL Media release > NOGARA BECOMES SMART: WITH MYNET, FREE WI-FI ARRIVES NOGARA BECOMES SMART: WITH MYNET, FREE WI-FI ARRIVES 09/01/2022 NOGARA (VERONA) – Free Wi-Fi has also arrived in Nogara, on the border between the provinces of Mantua and Verona: a few days ago, the telecommunications operator Mynet completed the installation work on the new municipal network, consisting of fifteen [...]