, INCREASINGLY DIGITISED AND EFFICIENT RESCUE AND ASSISTANCE, Fibra ottica, ADSL will provide free connectivity to the headquarters in Via Enrico Fermi in Salò for the next two years, with a significant increase in speed to 1 Gbit per second (the previous speed was 100 Mbit per second)., History and Philosophy, Fibra ottica, ADSL's philosophy is based on a number of key pillars that clearly emerge from the way the company presents itself and operates: 1., IN GARDA SCHOOLS AND MUNICIPALITY CONNECTED TO MYNET FIBER OPTICS UP TO 1 GIGA OF SPEED, Fibra ottica, ADSL Media release > IN GARDA SCHOOLS AND MUNICIPALITY CONNECTED TO MYNET FIBER OPTICS UP TO 1 GIGA OF SPEED IN GARDA SCHOOLS AND MUNICIPALITY CONNECTED TO MYNET FIBER OPTICS UP TO 1 GIGA OF SPEED 11/07/2022 GARDA (VERONA) – The project carried out by Mynet in Garda, on the Veronese shore of the lake, is as complex as it is innovative: the leading [...], Service Charter, Fibra ottica, ADSL Service Charter Service Charter With the aim of ensuring transparency in relations with its customers and in accordance with the Directive of the Council of Ministers of January 27, 1994, regarding the 'Principles on the Provision of Public Services,' Resolution No. 179/03/CSP 'Approval of the general directive on the quality and service charters of telecommunications pursuant [...], CALCINATO, MYNET READY TO CONNECT THE INDUSTRIAL AREA OF PONTE SAN MARCO TO OPTIC FIBER, Fibra ottica, ADSL launched on March 1, 2022, the Plan is accessible until December 15 and in any case until the funds run out. ... In Calcinato, Mynet has not only thought about companies: in recent months, the fiber optic connection with speeds of up to 1 Giga in download of the municipal offices was completed, including the town hall in Piazza Aldo Moro, the [...], MYNET TRENTINO'S FIBER OPTIC NETWORK IS EXTENDED IN ROVERETO: A NEW DISTRICT OF THE URBAN CENTRE AND THE "G. VERONESI" CFP CONNECTED, Fibra ottica, ADSL the various users reached by the new infrastructure is also the “Giuseppe Veronesi” Institute – School Education and Professional Training Center: an important leap forward for the Rovereto educational center, which can now benefit from an ultra-broadband connection with speeds of up to 1 Gigabit/s for all the training opportunities to be offered to [...], CALCINATO, SCHOOLS AND MUNICIPAL HEADQUARTERS FLY WITH MYNET FIBER OPTICS, Fibra ottica, ADSL’s commitment to the Brescia area continues, where the first investments in infrastructure were already made between 2017 and 2019: in recent weeks, the optical fiber connection with speeds of up to 1 Giga in download of the municipal offices was completed, including the town hall in Piazza Aldo Moro, the library in Piazza XX Settembre, the Boschina, the [...], CASTEL D'ARIO, MYNET ACTIVATES THE WIFI4EU PROJECT IN RECORD TIME, Fibra ottica, ADSL Media release > CASTEL D'ARIO, MYNET ACTIVATES THE WIFI4EU PROJECT IN RECORD TIME CASTEL D'ARIO, MYNET ACTIVATES THE WIFI4EU PROJECT IN RECORD TIME 04/28/2022 CASTEL D’ARIO (MANTUA) – Thirteen connected antennas, for a total of ten areas of strategic interest served by free wi-fi with 1 Gigabit/s of total available bandwidth: these are the main numbers of the [...], SACCA DI GOITO ACTIVATES OPTIC FIBER WITH SPEED OVER ONE GIGABIT PER SECOND, Fibra ottica, ADSL«Thanks to this unprecedented partnership, fiber optics with speeds of over 1 Gigabit/second are finally active in the hamlet of Sacca – announced Mayor Pietro Chiaventi; - the innovative infrastructure installed by the telecommunications operator will also be able to transport all the traffic generated by the municipal cameras. ... In the meantime, the center of [...], FREE WI-FI ARRIVES IN CAMPARADA WITH MYNET, Fibra ottica, ADSL hotspots, indoors and outdoors, in five of the most popular locations in the town, will provide access to free wi-fi with 1 Gigabit/s of total bandwidth available: these are the main numbers of the project, created by Mynet and financed under the WiFi4EU community call with the aim of increasing connection opportunities for the town's inhabitants. ... Here the [...]